In Turkey, public services can be submitted by the government and also with the privatizations emerging as the continuation of the liberalization policies in the form of Public Private Partnerships. In this context, goods and services previously offered only by the public sector can be given through privatization and various methods in private or public-private sector cooperation. The expectation from PPP law is to create a favorable environment for the private sector to invest in infrastructure projects, and in this respect, the country will benefit from the private sector’s knowhow and managerial skills, contributing to the efficient development of infrastructure projects.
Structuring a PPP project involves bringing together the relevant private sector parties with clearly defined tasks and risks of the project. Parties would include Special-Purpose Vehicles (SPV), financiers, construction contractors, facilities management operators, and the public sector. In PPP projects, there is a contract for the private party to deliver public infrastructure-based services over an extended period of time. Since privatizations combine political, legal, and economic decision-making, numerous skills are required to overcome legal challenges. Elmas&Yeşiloğlu has sought to increase the transparency of the liabilities created by long-term projects and the equity returns achieved by investors, to speed up and reduce the cost of the procurement process, and to provide greater flexibility in the provision of services. We know that successful Public Private Partnerships (PPP) enable the public sector to access the discipline, skills, and expertise of the private sector.
PPPs have been used in a wide range of sectors to procure different kinds of assets and services. In constradistinction to other practice areas, we focus on industry types in PPPs;
- Power
- Social and Government Infrastructure
- Transport
- Water and Waste